Monday, May 30, 2011

50m€ Venture Capital for Energy Startups

Gamesa, a basque Wind energy firm, has recently launched a corporate venture capital fund.

The 6 key areas for this fund are:

  • wave (converting tidal currents and waves into energy);
  • next generation photovoltaic energy (converting the sun's photonic energy into electricity);
  • energy storage designed to guarantee high-quality supply;
  • green mobility (electric vehicles);
  • energy efficiency (maximising energy use while minimising consumption);
  • and off-grid (small renewable generation units that are not connected to power grids, for use in remote locations).

Further information, please contact Gamesa site.

Gamesa received the visits of president Obama in 2008 and recently in April 2011. Here is the white house video of the last visit:

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Max Planck Meteorology Institute Director in Bilbao, Basque Country

Klaus Hasselmann, director of the Max Planck Metereology Institute and ex-director of the German High Performance Computing Centre DKRZ gave a talk in Bilbao at the Basque Climate Change Centre in the context of the KlimaGune Workshop. This workshop aims to Address the Climate Change through Adaptation and is in line with a prominent and successful Basque Research Ecosystem.

The slides of the talk from a very interesting and humble pioneer of advanced high performance computing here.

Send us your stories!

Any person with any documented information regarding the Basque HPC ecosystem, is very welcome to send us his/her story. We would like to hear about everyone and we would like to publish it here.

The story must be written in English, and must use a nickname so the readers can identify your posts and we can credit your published work! Please send your stories via a private message to us on Linkedin through our group or to our Twitter account.

Thank you!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Follow us on Twitter and Linkedin!

This blog, this twitter and this linkedin group are not affiliated with any institution private or public from the Basque Country or others. This online community is made by people that live and work in and for the Basque Country, and as such they have their on responsibilities, jobs and careers, and they use their spare time to write here about an important, small, humble and highly advanced community of high performance computing -industrial and public research- users (aka in marketing as supercomputing). This community is non for profit and it is completely anonymous.

We do not represent any of them and all the information published is based in publicly available web sites, reports or research publications, plus our own individual and anonymously published thoughts on the subject.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bilbao, the city -Why should your HPC project be in the Basque Country?

Today's video is Basque Country's biggest city: Bilbao

This video was played at the Shangai's Exhibition.