Sunday, June 26, 2011

Radiopharmaceuticals for the Industry

Basque research centre Biomagune, and radiopharmaceutical firm Molypharma have signed an strategic cooperation agreement. Radiopharmacology is extremely important for instance in human race's war against cancer.

Radiopharmaceuticals use of high performance computing resources consists on advanced and large datasets imaging amongst others. Biomagune is a European leader on the application of these technologies to real life problem-solving.

Picture by Biomagune.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did you know that ... ?

Basque multinational engineering firm Sener, created 52 years ago(!) the CAD/CAM/CAE software system known as FORAN used in the design and production of ships and offshore platforms. The System was conceived by SENER’s co-founder, José Manuel de Sendagorta, and it is one of the most widely used naval construction programmes in the world: used by 130 shipyards in 30 countries.

This extreme piece of high performance computing software works "As an integral part of the enterprise IT infrastructure, FORAN offers the possibility of expanding ship design and engineering data throughout the organization, by interfacing with existing legacy software, PLM, ERP and MM systems, FEM structural analysis tools and other specific CAE applications."

Here some screenshots from Sener:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CERN Accelerator School was in Bilbao, Basque Country

CERN Accelerator School took place in Bilbao during May 2011. The school attracted 100 scientists from around the world and lasted 10 days. ESS Bilbao was the local organising committee.

The importance of simulation and data analysis on today's High Power Hadron Machines is crucial without any doubt. That is one of the reasons why basque scientific and technological firms attracted the attention of the school.

Bilbao is also a high quality congress destination. Amongst its strengths, we would like to highlight personal safety and high quality tourism. In comparison with other mediterranean cities, Bilbao and the Basque Country are extremely safe. The region is well connected with other European cities and Trans-Oceanic links and provides a unique country side and high quality cultural destinations for visiting after, during and before. Many other international conferences are relocating to Bilbao and other Basque cities.

CERN Accelerator School in Bilbao

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

European Space Agency astronaut to give a talk in Bilbao

Pedro Duque will talk about forecasts and planning for the possible impact of asteroid Apophis with earth. As we know high performance computing is being used in multiple labs to predict how much 'explosive power it would take to destroy or sidetrack an asteroid that's got Earth in its cross-hairs'.

The following video is from Sandia Labs and simulates the impact asteroid Tunguska.

The event is sponsored by basque institutions and GE.

International Particle Accelerator Conference in San Sebastian Basque Country

This 2011 world class conference will be held in San Sebastian-Donostia, cultural capital of the Basque Country. This conference will get together 1,200 scientist and industry partners from around the world from the 4th to the 7th of September 2011.

It will be held at the Kursaal Palace and it will include sessions on Code Developments and Simulation Techniques and Applications of Accelerators. High profile computational scientist are expected to attend to this world class conference which includes not only a scientific exhibition but also an industry exhibition with multiple high profile computational firms like National Instruments, Integrated Engineering Software, Thales, Research Instruments or Computer Simulation Technology.

Basque laboratory ESS-Bilbao is part of the organising committee.

Picture by Flickr' Vautrin Baires