Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Challenges in fluid mechanics and scientific computing in industry (Conference)

This conference will be held at the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, and it covers exactly the topics I think HPC should cover in the Basque Country.

BCAM -the initials of the center- is making until now the right thing: it is nonsense to buy hardware to the americans and say that you make computational science when you still got a group to scientist to hire. It is more about the science in the applications we will develop and how this apply to our or other industries we could sell to.

From my point of view this is a good and more than welcome fresh start: it is very well addressed and no computer scientist should ignore this center: it is a good start to build -in parallel- a basque strategy in computer architecture, systems and data centre research (and business development).

Perhaps late, but sure thing.

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