Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Learning from Others (Part I)

Having the most powerful supercomputer of the world means nothing if one does not have strong partners -and specially industrial ones- to justify the bill as part of the production chain of critical industrial solutions beyond the pure scientific-classical approach.

This is the case of a top-class German center: "Center for Computer Applications in AeroSpace Science and Engineering" also known as C²A²S²E. The center has developed a strong collaboration not only with universities and scientist, but with the world-class aircraft constructor Airbus. Airbus is known for having contracts with other leading computing centers, what makes one think that the demand of computing power is critical in their future plans.

The Basque Region is one of the leading spanish regions in aerospace. ITP, Sener, CTAero are companies that were born here. It is remarkable interesting the case of Aernnova previously known as Gamesa, that has signed an important contract to supply parts for next Airbus models. With an awesome amount of work and money arranged for the next years, Aernnova or any of their partners could undoubtfully start a new kind of business with Aircraft constructors: It is always good to diversify. The local government could also knock on their door and build something greener for the Basque community. It is obvious that highest security constraints must be met and therefore the best analysts must be hired. A good model it is there, let's learn from it, looking at ourselves and the future we want to build.

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